Scholarship Money


High School Seniors
Scholarship Contest Entries Accepted:

Midnight – (CT), September 1, 2025


Midnight – (CT), January 1, 2026


Enter for the chance to win $1,000 College Scholarship

5 Available

Applicant Eligibility Requirements

  • The High School Senior College Scholarship Contest is open to high school seniors who are citizens or aliens legally residing in the USA.
  • Scholarship funds are payable to the winner’s college/university or certified trade school in the United States; the winner must enroll in classes beginning no later than the Fall 2026 session.
  • Winner selection is NOT based on financial needGPA, or demographic criteria.
  • Home-schooled students may apply as long as the course of study is equivalent to that of a senior in high school.
  • Relatives of AFSA staff or NATIONAL board members may not enter.
Done with Step 1? Enter the Contest

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